Sunday, June 20, 2010

Your Dick is My Drug

Hello, my name is S, and I’m a cockaholic.

I love sex. I also love cheese, puzzles, aquariums, and kittens. What separates sex from the rest is that I NEED to have sex. I NEED to be penetrated. I NEED to be taken to Pleasuretown. And the more I get, the more I want and need. I get a slow, deep heat in my loins that grows to a lustful, burning sensation, and every move I make, no matter how minute, triggers a more intense desire to be touched…a stronger urge to straddle someone…an inexorable requisite to be railed and ravaged. I want my hair pulled and my pussy plowed. I want dirty words whispered into my ears. But most importantly, I want to cum. I need to cum. I need to feel those precious seconds of mind-blowing ecstasy, to lose control of my body and be aware only of the incredible, toe-curling pleasure rushing through my body…oh GOD, do I need that.

Why is it that if I have to go a few weeks without a nice, wet Willie, I start to cope a little better? Although I’ll still constantly think about sex, my vagina has been able to somewhat wean itself off the wiener. But as soon as I bone my man, it’s back, and I have to go through withdrawal all over again. The last time I drove back from seeing my boyfriend (who lives many hours away), I wasn’t halfway home before I had to masturbate; I didn’t even stop the car, the urge was so strong and immediate. I hit cruise control and took care of business.

So I started to wonder if there’s some way to explain the drug-like affect orgasms have on me. After doing some digging, I found a few interesting tidbits of information. According to one article: “a scientist watching brain scans of men having orgasm concluded that the scans resemble those of people shooting heroin.” Another article from the same site went into detail on the neurochemistry behind the orgasm and the post-orgasm hangover; in short, during an orgasm dopamine (the neurochemical that activates the brain’s reward center) levels are extremely high. When these levels are raised, we are focused on that specific activity only (“I gotta have it” mentality). Biology has allowed this to occur in order to promote the passing on of genes, and ultimately, the survival of our species. However, dopamine levels drop after sexual stimulation and can lead to addiction, depression, low libido, etc. Extreme swings of high/low dopamine levels can lead to addictive behavior, meaning someone could turn to substance abuse, gambling, or even use a sexual partner to “self-medicate”; anything to get their dopamine “fix”. (If you want to learn more, this website had some great info:

Hmm. So all those one-night stands and forest escapades in college was really just self-medication? So what are my choices to avoid “needing a fix”? An article on the aforementioned website stated that the safest way to avoid the extreme swings in dopamine levels is to have sex without climaxing.

 FUCK THAT. Orgasms are my favorite thing in the whole world. Why on earth would I have sex and not cum? That’s the worst advice I’ve ever heard.

 Looks like I’m stuck with the cravings. Guess I’ll have to start smoking crack in between romps with my boyfriend. But first, I think I’ll go find some new batteries for my vibrator.

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